Wednesday, January 30, 2008

My life as a cut throat pirate.... (wench)

I be a pirates wench & I know to be true what pirating's about. I have me good eye and a lad to squire w/o the askin. Im gonna tell ye a thing er' two about Pirating. Im a no tell blood spreadin lassie and I dont be squanderin knowledge w/o me wits about me. I was about 3 keels to a grasshopping critter when me ole man made me live on the the blood thirsty docks of Singapore. I was a frightened bilge rat and I fought with the town folks for scraps & pieces of 8. Made ye a name for self out of knieving debuggery and some other not nice filth. I pride me self on ruthless adventures and stowed away for names sake.

I be back once me voyage of mayhem adjourns

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